Not to Share Wealth with Poor is Theft, Pope Francis
Rich people should share their wealth with the poor. Pope Francis also warned that the present financial system supports uneven distribution of wealth; people are becoming aggressive, corrupted, and heartless. They always want to accumulate more for own. Nobody cares when a homeless aged person dies carelessly but if the stock market loses two points it becomes a sensational news.
The Pope asked the Vatican audience, how an economy can work to its fullest potential if that is weighted down by debts of capitalism? He also explained how this greedy system is ready to devour everything that stands on its way. The whole environment has become defenseless to protect a deified market.
A new tyranny has born which has unilaterally imposed own selfish rules on inequality. Pope Francis asked better politicians to come forward and heal the scars that capitalism has made on society. He prayed to the Lord to give more good politicians who are genuinely concerned about the state of society, people, poor people's lives.
Pope Francis reminded that, just as the commandment 'Thou shalt not kill' sets a clear limit to save human life, we should apply the same doctrine today to save world economy from exclusion and inequality. A recent IRS report shows that wealth of the 1% richest in the U.S has increased by 31% while the income of the rest 99% population has gone up by 1% only. Recent Oxfam data suggests that 50 million Americans are presently suffering from severe financial hardship and 146 million Europeans are at risk of slipping into poverty by 2025.
He asked his followers to act beyond simple welfare mentality. He is the first Pope to criticize the Vatican Bank openly and accused it of fraud and shady offshore tax haven deals.
Read more: economy, poverty, Religion, Pope, vatican, Catholic, Theft, Capitalism, Pope Francis, Wealth, Greed, Sharing, Homeless, People
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