In Six Months (by July 2013) Prime Minister Lamothe promised 24 Hour Electricity

The MOH community in Haiti will be provided with solar street lights and twenty fours electricity within six months time, as promised by Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe. At Port-au-Prince, he promised that electricity distribution would be made for all, twenty four hours of the day.


As this really possible?

Strengthening The Electrical Sector

To achieve this, the energy sector, which has been one of the major concerns for the Haitian population, since ages, would be strengthened. The Prime Minister of Haiti had stated that the EDH or the Electricity of Haiti would supply eighteen hours of electricity and this promise was kept.

Efforts are being made so that Haiti ranks amongst the top fifty countries in the world those are proficient in the business they do, he states.

Some Complaints

Even if he claims that Haiti is presently getting electricity for 18 hours, certain metropolitan areas complain that there is rationing of electricity frequently especially in Martissant, Carrefour and Delmas. A citizen from Delmas, indicates that from 5.30 am in the morning there has been no electricity right from the beginning of the year.

Expectations Of The Haitian People

With the promise made by Laurent Lamothe ensuring that Haiti will receive electrical supply for twenty four hours a day, the Haitian people expect that life will get back to normal again. In fact all have been looking forward towards uninterrupted electrical supply in Haiti. This will help to attract new businesses which have so far been discouraged by the abysmal power situation in the country.

This will reflect in new employment opportunities now that there will be adequate electrical supply in Haiti. The people of Haiti feel that the vision of the Haitian government has been improving helping in the development of the country.

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Read more: Laurent Lamothe, Electricity, EDH, Martissant, solar street lights, Energy, Solar Energy, Energy Environment

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