American Embassy, USA Passport PUSA not for Haitian president Michel Martelly
The US Embassy, however did not say whether or not Michel Martelly is an American citizen.
On the other hand, Senator Moise Jean Charles who has been quiet for the past few weeks came out after the release of the letter from the US embassy to defend his claim. According to the the Haitian Senator, the letter from the US embassy did not help the president only support his claim that President Michel Martelly is American.
I have one question for Senator Moise Jean Charles:
"Where Is The Beef"
I hope that Senator Moise Jean Charles has more evidence to demonstrate that president Michel Martelly has an Americam Passport and he will be presenting them very soon. We will not be able to take this from you Senator of the Republic. To throw allegation without concrete evidence that you can in fact prove. Haiti has been paralyzed for the past few Months just because of a Senator of the Republic of Haiti, Moise jean Charles, decided to be in opposition with the actual government and consequently throw unfounded allegation that the President has Foreign nationality.
Senator Moise Jean Charles, whether or not President Michel Martelly has foreign nationality is not the question. Let me rephrase the question once again and make it simple:
Where are your proofs?
I have admired your stand so far to defend the the Constitution of Haiti.
I have admired your courage to come out and denounce President Michel Martelly becaouse you know for certain he is an American and Italian citizen
However, If you can not prove this, Mr. Senator, this would be a moral crime to the Nation of Haiti.
What should Senator Moise do at this time?
What do you think about the situation?
Read more: passport, Moise Jean Charles, Moise Jean-Charles, 2012, Martelly Citizenship, immigration
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All Comments (8)
On devrait demander a ce quadrupede a la queue tordue de s'effacer definitivement de la scene politique et de retouner vaquer a ses occupations, lave
If at the end of this month of February, Senator Moise Jean Charles can't prove what he claimed, he should resign.
He has paralyzed the nation's progress with this unfonded lie. Senator Jean-Charles looks bad. In this civilized world, it is up to the accuser to prove the accused is guilty.
The senator is so desperate that he is asking the american embassy for help
Senator, you should worry about the problems of the nation, cooperate with the president to move the country forward in progress.
Sa se yon krim kont limanite le nou konprann yon ansyen Majistra vole kochon konsa ap retade yon peyi kap soufri konsa .Sa fe ansyen vole Milo sa a pa panse a moun kap soufri apre tranbleman de te ya pito.Kom anpil mesene en Ayiti yo toujou kreye sitiyasyon sa yo pou yo ka piye ti pep la. Jou va jiou vyen .Menm peyi etranje ap tro cho pou yo
Anyone who makes an allegation without proof should be considered not only as a traitor to the country but as a possible contender to the presidential post and merely wants the President to fall so he can present himself as a candidate for the
Lundi 6 Décembre 2010
"HAITI, une occasion à ne pas manquer"
"Que la MINUSTAH parte, mais sans les materiels"
Nous sommes pour le départ des hommes de la Mission des Nations Unies pour la Stabilisation en Haiti (MINUSTAH), mais non les
Just in case of lying to the Haitian people, The Senator will know what to do to facilitate the project if you accept so...
He has to be arrested and judged and sent to Prison for having committed a such crime to the Nation .I advise the President, just in case of not having any other nationality, to ask the Parliament to raise the humility of the Senator then he can go to the Haitian
Nowadays it is easy to understand Moise Jn Charles, He thinks he Prevent Michel Martelly From Going up, i say no it is the country instead, but one thing i know for sure, there is going to be a day where every one who made this country suffer will have to pay for what he has done, so i advise those persons to reread to History of this nation, in a way of seeing that Haiti is a ground that they can't play with...
Haiti se tè glise l 'ap bay tout moun ki enpeche l vanse monnen pyès
Moise jean Charles is an example of those dark forces in Haiti who has prevented the country from moving forward.
Senator Moise Jean Charles is the tipical "Crab" among us. He will not let anyone succeed becaouse the moment you are going up, he will put all his effort in pulling you back down
We President Michel Martelly, we have an opportunity to change things and we should not let someone like Moise Jean Charles to stop the progress.
Are the people who have been living under the tent since January 2000 interested in the nationality of President Michel Martelly?
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