RE: Major Changes In Haiti Political Landscape With The Election Of...

Edgar King - April 8 2011, 8:07 PM

Hi Roland! All the comments I have read are GOOD! There is a lot of anger towards the earlier leaders, who were more dictators, than presidents! Who looked after their-own welfare, and not the masses (Haitians)! And Haitians have always known that they were worthy of better treatment, welfare, and direction.

So now, they have Martely! They will not stand for more of the same, but expect, and demand their due, as faithful citizens of their Beloved-Haiti! Martely will have to DO or DIE, is what the people are saying! No more Bull-Derm, and dictatorship, but Love, Compassion, Respect, and the determination to make Haiti "RISE.UP" from the ashes, and bring New-Life, Hope, Respect, and Dignity to a people who have suffered unjustly throughout the decade.

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