cep - Haiti Observer Blog
cep, Haiti Observer Blog. Read the following articles about cep
Did you know that Leon Manus is dead?
Leon Manus, former President of the CEP died on Friday, October 26, 2012 in New Hampshire in United states. This news really revived a period in Haiti of significant importance.
Do you remember that in turn of this century, Leon Manus fled to the United States while he was in charge of CEP in Haiti. He feared for his life after he did not agree to approve results of a contested legislative and local elections.
Publication of the results of the May 21 election has been delayed, with opposition parties charging that the voting and the count were fixed to ensure a huge victory for the Lavalas Family party of the country's former president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
Will we ever see the creation of a CEP under Michel Martelly
We have three members; we have now nine members. Wait a minute, we are back to three members. Should we create a Permanent, Temporary or a "Conjunctural" Electoral Council?
Members of the Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSPJ) decided on Friday to resume the process of appointing their 3 members of the Judiciary, to serve on the Permanent Electoral Council (CEP). This is following the controvercy on the way in which they nominated their previous members. Many members of the Haitian society, including political parties, members of the legislative branch, and others strongly condemned the process. Some even asked for the resignation of the president of the CSPJ, , whom they feel was appointed illegally into his position.
CSPJ just voted to break-up the CEP in Haiti
The Superior Council of Judicial Power (CSPJ) just voted to break up the Permanent Electoral Council created by that they just created. It was reported by Radio Vision 2000 that 5 members of the CSPJ voted to get ride of the Contested CEP.
A total of 6 members of the Permanent Electoral Council have already been appointed. Me Josué Pierre-Louis was appointed President of that new CEP.
As you may remember, the decision for the establishment of the Electoral Council was not supported by many members of the society. Paul Evans said that President Martelly is plunging the country into a crisis. Rosny Desroches called it a "serious error" the decision of the Executive to form the CEP without the representatives of Parliament .
This is it, Permanent Electoral Council finally created
It does not matter if you are upset with the decision. It does not matter if you want to start a protest movement. The reality is Permanent Electoral Council is a fact in Haiti. You might think it's illegal, a serious error, made up of illegitimate members, can only be subordinate to the Executive, will likely plunge the country into a crisis. That is beside the fact.
The inauguration of the first 6 members of the Permanent Electoral Council that were appointed recently took place one on August 21, 2012 by President Michel Martelly. Mr Josué Pierre-Louis was appointed President of the new CEP.
Next Electoral Council in Haiti, will it be Permanent of Temporary?
The date is set for Wednesday, August 15, 2012. What will it be. Will Michel Martelly go without the the participation of the Legislative branch and form a Permanent Electoral Council to organize the next election in Haiti or will he become more conciliatory and agree to Temporary Council?
That is the $100,000.00 question.
The Government announced recently that if by August 15th, Haitian Legislators did not come up with their three representatives. they will be put on the sideline. The day is today.
We are now waiting for a decision.
Gaillot Dorsinvil hit with Interdiction to leave Haiti, as he was removed from American Airline
I don't thing the former President of the Provisional Electoral Council in Haiti is going anywhere soon. Gaillot Dorsinvil was removed from
At Toussaint Louverture, everything was set for depart. The American Airlines plane already left the gate, doors closed, the engine running, the pilot told all flight attendants: " All flights attendants, please take your sit as we are ready for take off". Suddenly, Order for Gaillot Dorsinvil to return to the runway and to get back to the airport. The Minister of Interior, Me Thierry Mayard-Paul, called to block the American Airlines plane from leaving.
The CEP owes Haitian TV stations 9 million gourdes
The Provisional Electoral Council(CEP), has an "I owe You" that it does not want to honor.
The "Haitian Joudalist" has learned that 40 Haitian Television stations are asking the CEP for payment amounting to 9 million Haitian Gourdes. This is close to $250,000 that the CEP owes the media for services provided during the runoff election in Haiti.
Can somebody start a foreclosure procedure on the CEP?
What makes this even more interesting is that the Haitian electoral institution admitted that they in fact owe the money to the Television stations. The only problem is that it can not be deliver now. They also affirmed that the money will be delivered soon.
List of CEP Members not allowed to leave the country
The "Haitian Joudalist" finally has the list.
What list are you talking about?
"Quesque ca cette affaire?"
We are talking about the list of the CEP member not allowed to travel until an investigation is completed.
The President of the Haitian Senat, Mr. Rodolphe Joazile, filed a complaint with the Procecutor office in Port-au-Prince, requesting that the following Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) Members be prohibited from leaving the country.
Provisional Electoral Commission(CEP) does miracle with legislative vote counts
Who said miracles could not happen in Haiti? If you think miracle is not possible in Haiti, you need to take a look at the last Legislative election in Haiti.
Do you want to know how the Provisional Electoral Commission(CEP) was able to pull a rabbit out of a hat during the last legislative vote counts?
Imagine that all votes counted and a preliminary result said that a candidate of the UNITE party came in third place with a total of 90,000 votes. Now imagine just a few days later, a recount of the same votes brought the same candidate from third place all the way to first place, with 145,000 votes. This is a gain of 55,000 votes.
Twelve Senators protested against CEP and Rene Preval UNITE for manipulating election Results
The 12 senators accused the CEP and UNITE party of systematically violating Haiti electoral law.
According to the senators, president Rene Preval is trying to keep control by returning all the parliaments who supported him, and in the process is destroying the fragile democratic process in Haiti.
I smell a Dead Mouse. Don't you?
The twelve senators include Maxime Roumer of Grand'Anse, Edmonde Beauzile, Centre, Nenel Cassy, Nippes, Jean Willy Jean Baptiste, Artibonite, Youri Latortue, Artibonite, Andris Riche, Grand'Anse, Jean William Jeanty, Nippes, Steeven Benoit, Ouest, Melius Hyppolite, Nord-Ouest, Anick Francois Joseph, Artibonite, Polycarpe Wesner, Nord and Evalliere Beauplan, Nord-Ouest.
Anmwey..... Bare Volè.......
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