Haiti Political parties and their Leaders
Following the United States occupation (1915-34), the nationalist parties organized around the issue of resistance to foreign occupation. The political parties in Haiti started multiplying during the presidential campaign of 1946. Many candidates were participating, including: Parti Socialiste (PSP), Parti Democrate Unifi (PDU), Mouvement Ouvrier Paysan (MOP) and many more. During the Duvalier reign, most political leaders had been silenced.
Dozens of political parties emerged after the exile of Jean Claude Duvalier. Today, political parties are often organized under the banner of specific personalities and not necessarily under a common ideology. During presidential campaigns, the parties are used as campaign vehicles for individual politicians.
Here is a list of the political parties that exist today with their Leaders
Assembly of Progressive National Democrats - Mirlande Manigat
Ayiti Ann Aksyon (Haiti in Action) - Youri Latortue
Christian and Citizen for Haiti's Reconstruction - Chavannes Jeune
Convention for Democratic Unity (KID)- Evans Paul
Cooperative Action to Rebuild Haiti - Jean William JEANTY
Democratic Alliance Paul
Effort and Solidarity to Create an Alternative for the People - Joseph JASME
Fanmi Lavalas - Jean Bertrand Aristide
Haitian Christian Democratic Party (PDCH)- Sylvio Claude
Haitian Youth Democratic Movement (MODEJHA)- Jean Hector ANACACIS
Haitians for Haiti - Yvon Neptune
Independent Movement for National Reconstruction - Luc Fleurinord
Lavni Organization or LAVNI - Yves CRISTALIN
Liberal Party of Haiti or PLH - Jean Andre VICTOR
Love Haiti or Renmen Ayiti - Jean-Henry CEANT and Camille LEBLANC
Fusion of Haitian Social Democrats - Edmonde Supplice Beauzile
Mobilization for National Development (MDN) - Hubert de Ronceray
Mobilization for Progress in Haiti or MPH - Samir MOURRA
National Coalition of Non-Aligned Parties - Osner Fevry
National Reconstruction Front (Front pour la Reconstruction Nationale, FRN) - Guy Philippe
New Christian Movement for a New Haiti (Mochrena) - Luc Mesadieu
Open the Gate Party or PLB - Anes LUBIN
Peasant's Response or Repons Peyizan - Michel MARTELLY
Platform Alternative for Progress and Democracy or ALTENATIV - Victor BENOIT
Platform of Haitian Patriots or PLAPH - Dejean BELISAIRE and Himler REBU
Popular Party for the Renewal of Haiti or PPRH - Claude ROMAIN
Regwoupman sitwayen pou espwa (RESPE) Charles-Henri Baker
Strength in Unity or Ansanm Nou Fo - Leslie VOLTAIRE
Struggling People's Organization (OPL) - Sauveur PIERRE-ETIENNE
National Christian Union for the Reconstruction of Haiti - Chavannes Jeune
Union - Chavannes JEUNE
Union of Haitian Citizens for Democracy, Development, and Education (UCADDE) - Jeantel JOSEPH
Union of Nationalist and Progressive Haitians (UNPH) - Edouard FRANCISQUE
Unity or Inite - Levaillant LOUIS-JEUNE
Vigilance or Veye Yo - Lavarice GAUDIN
Youth for People's Power or JPP - Rene CIVIL
Haiti Political Parties with Anonymous Leadership
Organization for Advancement of Haiti
Christian Movement for a New Haiti
Front for Hope
Fusion of Haitian Social Democrats
Independent Movement for National Reconciliation
National Reconstruction Front
Christian National Union for the Reconstruction of Haiti
Party for the Integral Advancement of the Haitian People
Rally of Progressive National Democrats
Alliance for the Liberation and Advancement of Haiti
Democratic Consultation Group Coalition
Haitian Democratic Party
Movement for National Reconstruction
Movement for the Installation of Democracy in Haiti
Movement for the Organization of the Country
National Cooperative Action Movement
Peasant Affair with the Haitian People
Haitian Democratic Party
Rally of the Militant of the Town of Saint-Marc
Viv Ansanm
The Haitian Brotherhood
Read more: michel martelly, mirlande manigat, charles henri baker, Charles henry baker, Haiti Politics, Election, Jean Bertrand Aristide, political party, politic, Guy Philippe, Election Tips, Evans Paul, RDNP, Jean Henri Ceant, Chavannes Jeunes, Fanmi lavalas, Osner Fevry, Rene Civil, JPP, Youri Latortue, Jean William Jeanty, FRN, Yvon Neptune, Liberal Party, National Party, Mouvement Ouvrier Paysan, MOP, Parti Socialiste, PSP, Rally of Progressive National Democrats, Ayiti An Aksyon, Haiti in Action, Convention for Democratic Unity, KID, Cooperative Action to Rebuild Haiti, Joseph JASME, PDCH, Sylvio Claude, Haitian Youth Democratic Movement, MODEJHA, Jean Hector ANACACIS, Haitians for Haiti, Independent Movement for National Reconstruction, Luc Fleurinord, LAVNI, Yves CRISTALIN, Liberal Party of Haiti, PLH, Jean Andre VICTOR, Renmen Ayiti, Camille LEBLANC, Fusion of Haitian Social Democrats, Edmonde Supplice Beauzile, Mobilization for National Development, MDN, Hubert de Ronceray, Mobilization for Progress in Haiti, MPH, Samir MOURRA, Mochrena, Luc Mesadieu, Anes LUBIN, Repons Peyizan, ALTENATIV, Victor BENOIT, PLAPH, Dejean BELISAIRE, Himler REBU, Claude ROMAIN, RESPE, Ansanm Nou Fo, Leslie VOLTAIRE, OPL, Sauveur PIERRE-ETIENNE, Jeantel JOSEPH, Levaillant LOUIS-JEUNE, INITE, Veye Yo, Lavarice GAUDIN, Tips for Politic, Politics
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