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Gérard and Nancy Férère  Reply  Yesterday, 3:31 PM Lafontant email (tiden [at]; Lafalaise Marc (mlafalaise [at]; +3 moreî‚' Dear Marc Lafalaise... more »
Palm Beach Haitian Heroes, 11/02/18 1:05 PM
For Immediate Release West Palm Beach, FL (November 1, 2018) - Palm Beach Haitian Heroes Hosting Francois Nicolas Duvalier in West Palm Beach, FL. Palm Beach Haitian Heroes will... more »
Palm Beach Haitian Heroes, 11/02/18 1:02 PM
I was thinking about Jojo today, just popped into my head. I met Jojo through my best friend when I was younger. Might have been more than 20-25 years ago. Got into a little club... more »
Daniel, 10/18/18 12:52 PM
Wow... Was not aware we had this tradition at all, I often thought of why us Haitians didn't have a wedding traditions. If I ever decide to have a second wedding, I would want to... more »
Mildred Colas, 10/16/18 11:19 AM
This tea is great. every obe should try it. more »
Josmene Guerrier, 10/15/18 11:25 PM
What's judge phone number more »
Mitzie, 09/30/18 8:33 PM
My birth name is Beatrice Volel. I am the daughter of Suze Prepetit and Eddy Volel (brother of the late Yves Volel). I want to inform the Haitian Community of a serious issue in... more »
Koylee, 09/28/18 8:03 AM
Madame Duvalier, J'aimerais prendre contacte avec vous etant donner que vous voulez apparamment l'hoenur des Duvaliers. J'habite les Etats Unis aux alentours de Washington DC et... more »
Jp, 09/16/18 10:13 PM
Fascinating article! You wrote "In his form as Baron Samedi", does this imply that Papa Ghede and Baron Samedi are one and the same according to Haitian Voodoo, or is it the same... more »
Zo, 08/30/18 2:18 PM
It's so sad to see a great legend die like that. I hope her death help change the medical care in Haiti. more »
Ednanua, 08/23/18 11:07 PM
Interesting story. 5 Stars. By Gregg L. Friedman MD more »
Gregg L Friedman Md, 08/19/18 5:15 PM
we should be grateful for all the countries that accept us with loving arms. we should also built a better taxes system like usa America has in all the countries in Haiti, and... more »
Charles, 08/15/18 5:15 PM
everybody want some thing, well, I like to see more Haitians in the Olympics, in golf, tennis, and in the world cup, sincerely Charles, more »
Charles, 08/15/18 4:42 PM
- Bodeau exemplify the elements bringing down Haiti regardless of the circumstances to advance their causes. -Meaning making money and obtain a transfer of class and friends... more »
Fred Millan, 08/14/18 1:49 PM
It's sad to see our Haitian people degrading their self like that. more »
Edna Numa, 07/25/18 5:09 PM
I totally concur with Sandi Pierre for her clear, concise argument on the case against wheat consumption. more »
Camille Beaudouin, 07/23/18 2:01 AM
Wheat is a highly hybridized GMO food. Research has shown that causes a great deal of inflammation in the body and unfit for consumption. We are a tropical country and we should... more »
Camille Beaudouin, 07/23/18 1:59 AM
Dear Representative: I am a content creator /Blogger and promoting Veganism Alkaline foods For Haitians. I would be delighted and honored to be included in the list of Haitian... more »
Camille Beaudouin, 07/23/18 1:52 AM
Nicolas set the problem, and perspectives the right way and Haiti would benefit from those remarks. However, the man himself does not have the background and inherited moral... more »
Fred S Millan, 07/16/18 1:54 PM
What a coincidance, Ranfis Trujillo and Fraçois Nicolas Duvalier, two young men holding their grandfathers' lasts names. Haiti and the Dominican Republic suffered a lot... more »
Lucius Pierre, 07/16/18 8:21 AM

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